Last update: 15 Apr, 2024

<aside> <img src="/icons/list-indent_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/list-indent_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Table of contents


<aside> <img src="/icons/user-circle_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/user-circle_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Available for Artist Expert Follower


<aside> <img src="/icons/copy_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/copy_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Related articles Sell your artwork Re-sell owned artwork

EU/UK VAT identification numbers


In this article Discover how to easily get paid, set up your payment method, understand your earnings, and learn about VAT number impact on your earnings.

How do I receive payments?

All payments from Subjektiv will be sent via a payout method connected to your Subjektiv account. We require you to set up a payout method before selling any artwork. Based on your country of residence, you will be able to use one of the following methods:

  1. Stripe integration. For most EU countries and the US, you can connect a payout method via Stripe integration.
  2. Bank account. If you are a resident of a country not covered by Stripe, we’ll ask you to set up your bank account details (IBAN, SWIFT) for a EUR/USD account.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" />

All the payouts are made during a 7-day period after the artwork is delivered to a new buyer.


Set up a payout method

Before selling any artwork, you must complete the identity verification and payout setup process. To start a setup process:

Managing payout method

To manage your payout method:

Revenue types & Commission rates

Artwork sale revenue

🟨 First sale (artist → buyer)

When setting a sale price for your artwork, consider the cost of materials, your time, artistic value, and other personal factors. Our platform deducts a 30% commission from the price you set.

Additionally, if an expert has reviewed your artwork, a 5% commission is deducted and allocated to them upon sale. This rewards an expert for their review as it increases the chances of a sale. Please factor these deductions into your initial pricing to meet your desired earnings.

<aside> <img src="/icons/currency_green.svg" alt="/icons/currency_green.svg" width="40px" /> Your revenue = Artwork price - Subjektiv commission (30%) - expert commission* (5%) - VAT*


🟪 Second sale (re-sell)

If you decide to resell an artwork you previously bought on Subjektiv, Subjektiv will charge you a 5% commission on the price of the artwork. Separately, you will pay a 15% royalty on any increase in the value of the artwork. The increase in value is calculated as the difference between the current price and the price of the previous sale. This royalty is paid directly to the artist.

<aside> <img src="/icons/currency_green.svg" alt="/icons/currency_green.svg" width="40px" /> Your revenue = Artwork price - Subjektiv commission (5%) - Artist expert royalty (15%)** - expert commission (5%)* - VAT*


🟨 Artist’s royalties

As an artist, you will receive a 15% royalty on any increase in value in any future resale of the artwork on the platform. If there is an expert review, you will receive 14% instead, while the expert will receive a 1% royalty.

<aside> <img src="/icons/currency_green.svg" alt="/icons/currency_green.svg" width="40px" /> Example • Artwork without expert review

Artwork price on first sale: €2500.00 Artwork price on re-sell: €5000.00 (+€2500.00)

Royalties you receive (15%): €375.00


🟦 Expert commission

Your expert review increases the chances of the artwork's sale. To reward you for it, you get a 5% commission upon the sale of an artwork that you have reviewed, provided that the artist has previously accepted your review and your review became public on the platform. That is 5% of the artwork price before VAT, customs duties, delivery costs, or any other charges.

<aside> <img src="/icons/currency_green.svg" alt="/icons/currency_green.svg" width="40px" /> Example • Artwork with expert review

Artwork price: €2500.00

Commission you receive (5%): €125.00


🟦 Expert’s royalties

For expert royalties, it’s matters when your review gets published:

  1. If your review is published before the artist's original sale of the artwork, you are entitled to a 1% royalty from any increase in value in future sales of that artwork. That is 1% of the increase in artwork price before VAT, customs duties, delivery costs, or any other charges. If the artwork is resold multiple times in the future, you will continue to get your royalty as long as it is resold at a higher price.

    <aside> <img src="/icons/currency_green.svg" alt="/icons/currency_green.svg" width="40px" /> Example • Review published before the first sale

    Artwork price on first sale: €2500.00 Artwork price on re-sell: €5000.00 (+€2500.00)

    Royalties you receive (1%): €25.00


  2. If your review is published on Subjektiv after the artist has already sold the artwork, you will get a 5% commission when the current owner sells it in the future. However, you will not be entitled to any royalties from the future sales of this artwork. On Subjektiv, royalties are shared between the artist and the expert to reward collaboration in opening up art to a broader range of art lovers. It is, therefore, only shared before the artist's original sale of the artwork.

    <aside> <img src="/icons/currency_green.svg" alt="/icons/currency_green.svg" width="40px" /> Example • Review published after the first sale

    Artwork price on first sale: €1000.00 Artwork price on re-sell: €5000.00 (+€2500.00)

    Commission you receive (5%): €250.00

    Royalties you receive (0%): €0.00


VAT & VAT Number

What does the VAT number look like?

In each country of the European Union, the documents and the code are different. We have built a table with code formats for EU countries: EU/UK VAT identification numbers

How does VAT affect sellers on Subjektiv?

VAT (Value Added Tax) significantly affects artists on our platform, especially in how they manage and report their sales to tax authorities. If you are a seller operating within a VAT-applicable region, it's important to understand the impact of VAT on your transactions and how providing a VAT number can benefit you.

Where do I manage my VAT Number?

To add or remove your VAT number:

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_orange.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Note: The VAT Number added affects only sales that were made when it was added. If you added the VAT number after making a sale, it will not affect the VAT commission we charge for this specific order.
