Last update: 15 Apr, 2024

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In this article Subjektiv view is an alternative view on the artwork where you can uncover the story behind it. Here we’ll tell you what is it and how it works.

What is Subjektiv view

Any artwork on Subjektiv can contain multiple events: a new creation process shared, an expert review published, someone buying the artwork, and so on. All of them can be found in the Subjektiv view of the artwork.


What’s inside?

In Subjektiv view of any artwork, you can see many posts:

  1. When artwork is added to Subjektiv
  2. Progress updates from the artist
  3. Price changes
  4. When artwork became available
  5. Who, when, and for how much became an artwork owner
  6. In what events artwork and artists have participated
  7. Posts from artwork owners
  8. The review expert published

Some are published by people, and some are generated automatically, such as price changes, availability, and owner changes.