Last update: 15 Apr, 2024

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In this article To tell the artwork’s story you can use Posts. Share the creative process, add shows and exhibitions where artwork were presented, and share any other content.

Who can create posts?

By default, there are two types of people who can create posts in specific artwork:

Post types

We have two post types that you can create to uncover the artwork’s story:

How to add a new post?

To create a new post, you can:

  1. Add a new post from the sidebar

    1. Press + Add to open the modal with all artworks that you created and owned.
    2. Click on the artwork to which you want to add a new post.
    3. Select the post type you want to create.


  2. Add new posts directly from the artwork page

    1. Go to Profile on the sidebar, select the Studio / Collection tab, and click on the artwork you need.
    2. Press the + Add post button on the right block with the artwork title.
    3. Select the post type you want to create.


Add new update

Use the New Update post type to share the creative process, drafts, and additional photos of your artwork.

For this kind of post type, you will be asked for:

An example of a New Update creation

An example of a New Update creation

Add new event

New event can be used to showcase shows, exhibitions, and meetings of specific artwork. Creating a new event post consists of two steps:

  1. Set details about the event
    1. Event title: What’s the name of the event?
    2. Dates: Tell when the event happened
    3. Event location (optional): Tell the name of the place where the event took place
    4. Event link (optional): Add the link to a video/promo page/website of the event
    5. Attach associated artworks (optional): If you presented several artworks at the same event, you can also associate them with the event.
  2. Add your personal view:
    1. You can tell more about the event by adding a text description
    2. Add photos and videos from the event

An example of New Event creation

An example of New Event creation

Where to find added posts?

All posts associated with specific artwork can be found on Artwork pageSubjektiv view tab in the top.

Switch tab to  view to see all posts associated with the artwork

Switch tab to Subjektiv view to see all posts associated with the artwork

Managing posts

Edit posts

To edit any post, you have to :

  1. Find post in the Timeline or Subjektiv view of the artwork
  2. Press •••Edit
  3. When you have made all changes, just press Save

Press  to make any changes in the post

Press Edit to make any changes in the post

Sharing posts

To share any post, press on ••• in the top right corner and:

  1. Select Copy link to quickly copy the post link and share it anywhere
  2. Select Share to share posts in other socials

Share the post using  or

Share the post using Share or Copy link

Deleting posts

You can delete only your posts. To do so:

  1. Find post in the Timeline or Subjektiv view of the artwork
  2. Press •••Delete
  3. Confirm that you really want to delete it by clicking on Delete in the modal